Autoval Ltd
On 21st September 2015 Autoval Limited were issued with the following formal Notices by Rochford District Council in respect of the site formerly known as the Former Shellfish Packing Station, South Fambridge:
(Click to View)
The deadline for compliance is 19th October 2015.
As residents and visitors you are welcome to log a daily diary of breaches from now until 19th October 2015 and beyond to assist the Council in ensuring compliance.
A short summary of the breaches are listed below (descriptions assume you are facing the main site gate): Please read notices above for full details of breaches.
- Only the long Southern main building is permitted for use under 99/00339/COU. The Northern building at the back of the site and the extensions to the left are not permitted for storage or use.
- No outside storage of any kind except for the parking of vehicles immediately to the left inside of the main gate whereby parking for x 13 vehicles is permitted along the left flank (staff and customer parking. No other outside storage on any other part of the site is permitted other than boats or a small mobile crane. Current breaches include Scrap metal, JCB, Back of Truck used for storage, tyres, Heras fencing, wood, low loader trucks. (there is some confusion over the term vehicle parking and what appears to be the storage of end of life vehicles in the parking bays...the wording of the planning consent is for customer and staff parking. As such damaged vehicles which are brought on low-loaders and clearly have a large amount of damage could be considered as storage. logging data to that effect may be useful)
- No use of plant/machinery (incl power tools) outside the permitted hours of: 8am to 6pm on any day.
- No deliveries by car or light van shall be received or despatched from the site outside the permitted hours of : 8am to 6pm on any day, and no deliveries by lorry, tractor or any other type of vehicles, received or despatched outside hours of 8am till 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm Saturday or any time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
A log of what is viewed onsite each day up to 19th October and beyond would be helpful in ensuring compliance. A notice of where to hand this information in will follow shortly.
Also the other issues are :
- The gate being left unlocked and open allowing vehicles to speed onto site without slowing or stopping.
- Autoval hold a U13 certificate which allows them to have on site only x 2 vehicles ready for dismantling.
Both of these issues have been flagged up with the appropriate authorities and a daily log of these events would also be helpful.
Thank you for your assistance. Photos will appear on the Save South Fambridge facebook page tomorrow.