A letter from Mark Francois MP was received following a Constituency Surgery meeting on 17th December 2011 to discuss on behalf of residents the concerns of the impact on the village regarding the former Shellfish Packing Stations intended new use.
No letter was enclosed but this was received the next day under cover of a Compliment Slip from Mr Francois
The contents of these letters should be discussed in future public meetings with the Parish Council and Rochford District Council Planning Department (RDC Planning). We have also received from RDC Planning Dept clarification of the difference as understood and interpreted by them, using the guidance of the "Development Control Practice Manuals", the difference in terms of breaking and dismantling of vehicles in relation to B2 Planning permission. This information will be published on the blog shortly.
It is important to note that the new owner declare on their public business website that their " main business activity is an export wholesale of used auto parts."